LES CHAISES VIDES DU CERN (http://lonelychairsatcern.tumblr.com)

Les chaises vides du CERN


Best of lonely chairs

in the largest laboratory

of particle physics

in the world !

Chaise au CERN

Le meilleur

des chaises solitaires

dans le gigantesque laboratoire

de physique des particules


L’Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire, aussi

appelée Laboratoire Européen pour la Physique des Particules et

couramment désignée sous l’acronyme CERN, est le plus grand

centre de physique des particules du monde.

#lonelychairsatcern white chair with white garbage #b16 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern white chair with white garbage #b16 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern corridor chair and light from an open office #b15 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern corridor chair and light from an open office #b15 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair, cables, and cable reel #b354 #cables #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair, cables, and cable reel #b354 #cables #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern outside chair #b154 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern outside chair #b154 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair at the window with coffee cup in the theory division #b4 #TH #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair at the window with coffee cup in the theory division #b4 #TH #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair close to the Proton Synchrotron #PS #b152 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair close to the Proton Synchrotron #PS #b152 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in the computing center #b513 #computingpower #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in the computing center #b513 #computingpower #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern tilted chair in the grass of the #R2 parking #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern tilted chair in the grass of the #R2 parking #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair close to the stairs #b186 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair close to the stairs #b186 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair and stool under the sun #b6773 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair and stool under the sun #b6773 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair inside room #b3585 #SX5 #p5 #CMS #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair inside room #b3585 #SX5 #p5 #CMS #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b500 #s201 lonely chair under the main building #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b500 #s201 lonely chair under the main building #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in the corridor of #b6 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in the corridor of #b6 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair with plant #b40 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair with plant #b40 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair on top of the elevator shaft, 100 meters above #CMS, #b3578 #SDX5 #LHC #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair on top of the elevator shaft, 100 meters above #CMS, #b3578 #SDX5 #LHC #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in a limited stay radiation area #b150 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern chair in a limited stay radiation area #b150 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern glamour chair with regular chair at the #CMS tent #p5 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern glamour chair with regular chair at the #CMS tent #p5 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern Chair in jail #b354 #R-431 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern Chair in jail #b354 #R-431 #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #B18 Fire extinguisher, ashtray, and chair
#lonelychairsatcern #B18 Fire extinguisher, ashtray, and chair
Lonely chairs at CERN does not accept submissions, it is a personal tumblr. However, this picture is too good not to post, scary (scared?) chair in the green pipes #lonelychairsatcern
Lonely chairs at CERN does not accept submissions, it is a personal tumblr. However, this picture is too good not to post, scary (scared?) chair in the green pipes #lonelychairsatcern
#lonelychairsatcern #B3562 the mystical chair inside the shower room in #p5 #CMS #LHC #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #B3562 the mystical chair inside the shower room in #p5 #CMS #LHC #CERN
#b3582 #SUX5 #lonelychairsatcern chair behind green walls #p5 #CMS #CERN
#b3582 #SUX5 #lonelychairsatcern chair behind green walls #p5 #CMS #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b32 emergency chairs #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b32 emergency chairs #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b150 #linac lonely chair close to the radiation sign #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b150 #linac lonely chair close to the radiation sign #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern #b3562 #YSLAC00221 Lonely stool in restricted area #CMS #CERN (too many lonely chairs, too little time)
#lonelychairsatcern #b3562 #YSLAC00221 Lonely stool in restricted area #CMS #CERN (too many lonely chairs, too little time)
#lonelychairsatcern #B150 #LEIR Balcony
#lonelychairsatcern #B150 #LEIR Balcony
And another one #lonelychairsatcern #b3562 R-403 #CMS #p5 #LHC #CERN
And another one #lonelychairsatcern #b3562 R-403 #CMS #p5 #LHC #CERN
#lonelychairsatcern with a piece of the#CMS #Solenoid #p5 #tent
#lonelychairsatcern with a piece of the#CMS #Solenoid #p5 #tent
Building 249 #CERN #Tension with the classic solitary vintage chair
Building 249 #CERN #Tension with the classic solitary vintage chair
I think I will start a series: #LonelyChairsAtCern #B354 #CERN #Chair
I think I will start a series: #LonelyChairsAtCern #B354 #CERN #Chair
Publié dans : REFLEXIONS PERSONNELLES |le 19 mai, 2014 |Pas de Commentaires »

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